"The Story of an Hour" is a crisply written short story by the American novelist Kate Chopin, first published in 1894. The story encapsulates the unexpected alternating sentiments of the lady protagonist, Mrs. Mallard, following the news of her husband's death. Although, it is a very quick read, yet there is much to discover in the tale. The storyline depicts the hour subsequent to the news and how Mrs. Mallard, a heart patient, reflects on the received information in the privacy of her room. Whereas, initially Mrs. Mallard cries uncontrollably in front of her close ones, she senses a strange feeling overtaking her as she ponders in her room. She is surprised to realize that it is, in fact, a sense of freedom that has engulfed her. She acknowledges that there is no longer a need to be answerable to anyone. She is aware that she will be morose at her husband's funeral. However, she foresees how she will not have to consider anyone's opinion on any matter anymore. It leaves her with a sense of relief. A thought-provoking piece. Recommended for a quick lunch time read. The story presents an unconventional narrative, especially considering the era it was first published in. The tale has an equally unexpected end.
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AuthorA lecturer and lifestyle consultant by the day; an avid reader and writer by the night, I am a student of life. Archives
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